Commission Work | Personal Digital Artwork | Life Drawing Projects
A collection of commission work; from finalised logo designs to digital & physical art practices, more technical life drawing studies are incoming.
A commission for a (2020) launched Financial services / Marketing brand called Ace Empire. The Founder AJ wanted the logo to be based around the theme (Ace of Spades) whilst being very unique, bold & eye-catching using real life gold textures layered over Matte Black components but overall really simplistic. Software Used: Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop CC 2020, Procreate
Onyx Stone's Final Logo: The finalised logo for the musician Onyx Stone. He couldn't decide on a particular font, so he digitally wrote the name in his own unique graffiti style then I constructed and brought the typography to life using Adobe Photoshop CC & Autodesk Sketchbook Pro.
The Aesthetic Club Final Logo: A simple and stylish logo created for a health & beauty brand called :The Aesthetic Club. Software Used: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro / Adobe Photoshop CC
An HD still taken from a 2D Animated intro, in which I created for a YouTube Vlogger's Channel [Zeekie]. (Please Double Click / Tap To See The Finalised Intro).
DSmoke X The Lion King
There’s no tree stronger than the family tree! - So I mixed elements from one of my favourite Modern Rap albums “Black Habits” from Hip-hop Artist DSmoke & a timeless childhood 2D animated film together (The Lion King).
Into The Spidey-Matrix
A Mini D3K Project called: Into The Spidey-Matrix, I merged elements from (The Matrix [1999] & Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse [2018]) both films to reinterpret a Miles Morales ITSV film scene via a 2D Pixaloop Edit.
Timeless Dance Duos
I recreated an iconic scene from the film Breakin (1984), but added a few little pop culture references / twists / all alongside some of my favourite dancers!
[D3K] Final Animated Logo
The finalised animated logo for my clothing line DEFIN3INK. Feel free to check out & follow the Instagram hashtag: #defin3ink for all the latest brand posts.